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Kish Island has been considered the cradle and hub of active tourism in Iran since before the revolution.

In 1349, Kish Island was considered as a tourist-commercial center due to its convenient geographical and strategic location. The Kish Civil Engineering Organization started planning the touristic area of the island on the model of the Hawaiian Islands and the southern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and implemented the first phase until the revolution. The establishment of Kish Free Zone Organization gave new life to this island and the era of rapid development of Kish began.

Due to its geographical location and other advantages, Kish Island has the potential to host events from neighboring countries. For example, the island is ready to host the spectators of the 2022 World Cup, which will be held in Qatar, and for any reason, they want to settle in the geographical points around Qatar.

According to our analysis and observation on Kish’s urban development strategy, the areas are designed according to rings with a distance from each other, which are made up of smaller rings inside. The speed in the inner ring is extremely high and it is only possible to move by car. Around the island, it has an identity according to the tourist. And the inner rims have a very low speed of staying in spaces.

Mirmahna Wharf in the historical and native ring of Kish is the only wharf allowed for fishing for travelers and tourists. Therefore, the most important potential of this neighborhood is considered to attract tourists to the site and create life and pause space.

The majority of people in this area are natives. The old and new bazaars and arcades have kept the neighborhood alive, and students and non-native people go about their daily lives in this area.

The project is organized in such a way that all the empty spaces are used and it is organized with complementary programs to the programs around the site.