Inspiration: How can oryx and human engage in perfect condition? Traditional habit at desert is designed to protected human from environments in desert. Oryx and human in this specific protected area do not need all of necessary rules. This architecture aim to explore new strategy of traditional Arabian tent and caravanserai on oryx habitat.
Building orientation: Oryx Caravanserai is located between an oasis and desert activities to make an interaction between oryx habitat and people in the north and it is transformed to a resort in the south for all types of users.
Wind flow and sunlight: making façade out of curtain to reduce harsh situation effects such as direct sun light and strong sand wind.

Sky view: Observation void is located on the roof of hotels room to let the users see the milk way in their private yard and corridors.
Local material and technique: The concrete slabs was designed to be supported by wooden columns, it allows to wrapped by tent fabric while users have privacy they can feel like living in the Arabian tent. This design is applied for programs with concrete wall behind every fabric tent to reduce energy in cooling system. Desert surface extended into the hotel to make new type of atmosphere.
Function: As the oasis extended in the north courtyard people can feed the oryx and observe them as close as possible in feeding area.
Conclusion: As a result, two types of habitats work with new strategy and usable for all types of users. Certainly, is a new way of living space in the desert.